B®idgette said... "How has love changed your life?":
Today marks the third year anniversary of the day my world was turned up-side down. I look back and think about the emotions I experienced: hurt; despair; betrayal…the list goes on. I didn't understand why someone who promised to love me could cause me so much pain. A piece of Scripture comes to mind now that I am a follower of Christ: Proverbs 3:5, 6 which says: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight all your paths."
I wasn't a believer then, so I turned all my attention to anything I could to make me feel like I was still wanted, loved, even desirable, instead of trusting the Lord completely. I was even questioning whether my life was worth living anymore. I wanted to close up and shut down. Even when I wanted to cry, I felt like I couldn't; like it was going to tear me apart and I wouldn't be able to stop. The grace that God had afforded me even when I was not walking in His ways is truly remarkable. He had His hand on my life in ways that were so palpable; I can almost see His fingerprint when I look back. I've had many other changes just in the past year, but none as shattering as when my divorce was final. I prayed for him and for our marriage, believing that those prayers were not falling on deaf ears. There's a country song called "Unanswered Prayer" by Garth Brooks. I'm not much of a country-song girl, but that is truly a remarkable way to describe my life at this point. I believe God seen every tear, comforted me and gave me strength, and wanted our marriage to be healed. Why He allowed my ex's heart to remain hard is beyond my comprehension. Maybe I'll never know. Maybe a few years down the road I'll see why. Right now, I must trust Him. Trust that the last four years have not been in vain. That being wounded to the very core of who I am will not be for nothing.
This makes me think of how Jesus suffered. He was betrayed by the very people who promised to be by His side no matter what. Peter was adamant about never denying his Lord…but he did. Can I assume that I will be blessed in this lifetime and get back every second that was spent crying and praying for the man I married to love me? I can assume that. It doesn't mean I will. God's ways are not our ways, and for that I'm thankful. If I could've had my way, my marriage would've been salvaged. But I wouldn't be here in Indy and I wouldn't have met the wonderful people I've met at my last command in Pennsylvania and here in Indy. I suppose I could be bitter. I have every 'right' to be as far as the world is concerned. There are many divorced people who are, right? I know a few. I never wanted to be one. Asking the Lord to help me forgive and let go was possibly the second most important prayer I've ever prayed next to accepting Christ. Who knows if I ever would've accepted Christ had it not been for the heartache I was dealing with? Now I know I can rest in the assurance that Christ is my vindicator, and though I don't wish any harm or hurt upon my ex-husband, I hope that through my witness and character he will one day accept forgiveness by a God who is so patient and kind. If I had to go through a painful separation and divorce for one person to know the Lord…I know without a shadow of a doubt that it was worth it. Jesus endured an even greater pain, and look at how God exalted Him.
I can only pray that my life would emulate His; that through my heartache, God would be glorified, and that others will see Him in me instead of a scorned and bitter woman.

How any man could let go of such an obviously good and righteous (never mind beautiful) woman in his life is beyond my comprehension. Thank God my eyes were opened in time to realize that what I have in my wife is already heaven on earth! Know that there is someone out there who will love you forever. Oh, and there might be a person who will love you almost as much. (get it?)
And they said "Amen"
You Are Loved!
Praise God for you and sharing your faith on the internet...may it be a blessing to you as well as to those who find it to read.
PS...this post needs paragraphs for ease of reading.
Your words are so inspirational! I had something similar to that, but I was in High School and I was still trying to figure who I was.
Another great thing to find a "good man" who will love you like God loves you is "Ephesians 5" I always rely on that when I see a guy that catches my eye or that sparks my interest and compare him and see if he is a Godly man!
Thanks so much for sharing your words and emotions! God's Blessings to You!
It's like once you've been burned you will think that it's going to happen over and over. Putting myself out there is easy, but letting people in is hard. It has gotten to the point to where I just make them not want to be around me...I guess I am bitter with love, or selfish you could say. Its easier being me...alone. But man, oh man...I want to let go so bad!
I enjoyed looking over your blog
God bless you
You ARE,...one courageous woman.
Thank you,....for your story.
In His name!
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