Chelsea said... "How has love changed your life?"
I have been wondering lately what it is God is doing in my life. There are some things around me or should I say happening that I don’t quite understand. I asked a friend recently “Is there light at the end of the tunnel?” And she replied “It’s just a really long tunnel!” Boy I had never thought about it that way, I know He is doing a great work but is it for me or the ones around me? And why am I having to suffer through it? If it’s for them! I know he's using everything, l just wish he would make it clear. Because right now it seems like muddy water.
A friend shared a verse with me today, it comes from 2 Corinthians 4:8-12 “We pressed on every side by troubles, but we are NOT crushed. We are perplexed, but NOT driven to despair. We are haunted down, but NEVER abandoned by God. We are knocked down, but we are NOT destroyed. Through suffering our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies. Yes we live under constant death because we serve Jesus, so that the life of Jesus will be evident in our dying bodies. So we live in the face of death, but this has resulted in eternal life for you.” Jump to vs. 16 “This is why we never give up!”
I think I am so pressed or so burdened but Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for me so that I may live. Why do I feel the need to throw in the towel? HOW SELFISH AM I? Jesus doesn’t give up on us, why would I give up on the work He has put before me.

1 comment:
I know it’s not much, just a prayer I say to myself when I am feeling overwhelmed. Anyway, I hope it helps you in some small way. God Bless and remember the real treasures are the rewards awaiting you when you meet Him face to face.
A Prayer For Trying Times
Help me, Lord, to find good in this. I know your plan is perfect. Help me to pray for those that harm me; I want only to seek your will. Give me strength Lord, in these trying times; be strong in me, as I am weak. Shelter me in your house Lord, my roof is leaking and my walls are falling. I come to you, my God most high, for safety in this storm; I know you will protect me. Carry me Lord, my legs are weak and they buckle under this heavy load. Help me Lord, to not be bitter with others; to not shout or say hurtful things. Help me lord, to wait patiently on you, I know your timing is perfect. Help me Lord, to speak the truth; I know it will set me free. Help me Lord, not to panic; I know you will defend me. I place it all in your hands Lord, I know you know what's best...Your Love Will See Me Through...
He is my defender; I will not be defeated.
Psalm 62:6
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